Click on Edit Email to see the fully personalized email Outbox has created for you. You can send it or schedule it from your own address. You can add as many Templates as you want.
Emailpig's goal is to identify your Website Visitors, find warm leads and ultimately become your sales/marketing assisant. Try out our month long Free Trial, supercharge your selling.
The AI then selects the website visitors meeting these criteria, and researches them as a salesperson would. It then generates a page in your Outbox with information on the prospect, their email & a personalized message.
Click on Edit Email to see the fully personalized email Outbox has created for you. You can send it or schedule it from your own address. You can add as many Templates a information on the prospect, their email & a personalized message. Click on a Lead.
Emailpig Outbox is our effort to build the first online great sales / marketing assistant. Outbox starts with coupling your website, and entering your customer profile / buyer persona.
You can customize this system by creating infinite Triggers, for instance targeting companies in the Design industry that read a specific blogpost on your website, or everyone that visited your Pricing page without converting.